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The 12 degrees of Caycedo Dynamic Relaxation (CDR)

The first cycle – the Fundamental Cycle – includes 4 levels of Caycedian Dynamic Relaxation (CDR) concentrating on different aspects:

  • • CDR 1 promotes body awareness with techniques focusing on the present.
  • • CDR 2 promotes mind awareness with techniques aimed at contemplating the future positively.
  • • CDR 3 concentrates on the encounter between body and mind with techniques focusing on mobilising positive experiences from the past.
  • • CDR 4 concentrates on the values of life with techniques aiming at rediscovering and strengthening our personal values. 

    This cycle deepens body awareness  to promote health of skin, muscles, organs and bones.

The second cycle is made up of CDR 5 to 8 - the Radical Cycle.

  • • Using the sound of our own voice, we activate cellular energy within the body, the energy of life and the energy of consciousness. 

The third cycle is made up of CDR 9 to 12 - the Existential Cycle through which molecular energy is activated reaching deepest levels of consciousness.

"The science of the harmony of the consciousness"

Sophrology originated in Spain in the 1960’s and has since been continually developed and adapted by its creator, Professor Alfonso Caycedo, a Spanish neuro-psychiatrist.

Sophrology is based on a combination of Oriental traditions (Yoga, Zen and Buddhist meditation) Western techniques and philosophies (relaxation, hypnosis, phenomenology, psychology). Professor Caycedo  studied them all; he then combined and adapted them to create a unique structured method that can be easily used in our daily lives.

The method involves exercises based on breathing, relaxation, meditation, concentration and simple movements.

Although not very well known in the UK, Sophrology has been widely practised throughout continental Europe for the past 50 years, gaining an increasing acceptance for its benefits to well-being. More and more health insurance companies in France and Switzerland now include cover of Sophrology sessions as part of any broad-based health insurance plan. In the UK, Sophrology has recently been recognised by the Complementary Medical Association and the Institute of Complementary and Natural Medicine.

Sophrology includes 12 progressive levels, known as the 12 degrees of Caycedo Dynamic Relaxation (CDR). Most people work on the first four levels which form the first cycle. Those willing to go further can practise cycles 2 and 3 with a qualified Master Caycedian Sophrologist.