Useful Links

A sophrology evening for health professionals

Come and see how sophrology could help your patients. We will give a quick history of sophrology, explain the main techniques and how they could support your patients and you will have an opportunity to practise.

Thursday 5 June, 7pm-8:30pm

The Verney-Carron Health Practice, 2 Spanish Place, W1U 3HF

Free event. By invitation only.

For more information email us at [email protected]


Next Sophrologists gathering!

We regularly organize Sophro lunches at The Sophrology Network. Please get in touch for the next dates! See you soon:)


A sophrologists gathering



9 sophrologists working in the UK gathered in London to share their experience. The meeting ended with a delicious lunch.


Stress Management workshop with The London Sophrology Institute


Sophrology and Stress-Management

Saturday the 9th of November 2013, 10am to 5pm, Covent Garden, London.
Price: £95

Dr. Patrick-André Chéné and his team of qualified London based Sophrologists will introduce you to Sophrology and its specific application to the management of stress related issues.
The day will include both Sophrology concepts and practice taught both in a dynamic and relaxed way.

For more information and bookings please send us an e-mail to [email protected] or call Annik Glasgow on 079 19 65 81 78  or  020 8743 06 48.


Follow our events on Meet up!

The group Practice Sophrology in London is also advertising our events. Join us and let's practice!